Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Illusion of Guilt

It's always there. like a trail of breadcrumbs, the path to peace (and out of stress) is the same as the path away that got you out of peace (and stressed out).

It goes action > guilt > projection. So you just gotta turn it around and see the projection >past the guilt > find my action.

You're looking at your projection now, you just gotta clear the guilt which is hiding your own action, and see it again with your beautiful eyes of light which now know that you did nothing wrong and you could never make a mistake.

Sometimes it takes hours to find it, but it is always there. If I see a wrong has been done by another, always, I have done this wrong myself and am just holding the other guilty because I hold myself guilty.

Tip before you try this: The best way is to ask nicely and then close your eyes and sit quietly and wait for the memory to appear.

~Caity Johnstone

See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.

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