Thursday, July 11, 2013

Work Stress Gone with a Pill?? : Lithium Orotate (Not THAT Lithium!!)

I just started taking this myself and am so excited at the results. Please watch this short video with Dr. John Gray (remember him? Men are From Mars, etc?). This is NOT the lithium you have heard about for people with bipolar disorder. This is something safe, inexpensive and readily available.

Lithium orotate is a natural dietary supplement that can be used in small doses to manage stress and treat conditions like depression, ADHD and PMS.

Many relationship problems and most addiction problems stem from a deficiency of amino acids and minerals in the body. One of the oldest and most researched treatments for emotional difficulties is the mineral, Lithium. It helps balance the production of two hormones, dopamine and serotonin.

In the 1970s, German doctors discovered that if you bind small quantities of the mineral, Lithium with Orotate salt, it could effectively deliver the necessary Lithium to the brain. It was also determined that the body only needs 4.5 milligrams of Lithium; not 500 milligrams, as is often prescribed and produces undesirable side effects.

Unlike lithium carbonate and lithium citrate, the common prescribed forms of lithium, lithium orotate is better absorbed into the brain, so you can take smaller doeses to feel better and have less side effects, if any. Lithium orotate is safer than lithium citrate or lithium carbonate because you can take less of it and still feel the best of lithium.

Animal studies that compared lithium carbonate and lithium orotate found the concentrations of lithium orotate were three times higher in the brain than lithium carbonate. The FDA has approved “Lithium Orotate” for sale in America. “Lithium Orotate” has what is called a "GRAS" status, which means, “generally regarded as safe.” This is the same status that natural food supplements have in the health food stores.

See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.