This blog's intent is to show you how to love your job. A job that is loved will change the world---regardless of title, salary or social status.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Stress can be managed…but can it be cured?
The term “stress” has become a badge of honor in our current world of faxes, e-mail, and back-to-back schedules. When asked how we are doing, we inevitably answer, “Oh, I’m so busy; I am so stressed-out.” To imagine answering: “Just feeling relaxed and enjoying today’s workload,” would inevitably mean being labeled a slacker, or at best, odd.
In developing a stress management program we often mean exercise, eating differently, meditating, and getting enough sleep. It may be more useful to ask why these things would have to be “managed” or even mandated by a physician. Why do we have to take a class to do these things?
The answer is likely that you do not see yourself as a priority. You have not incorporated into your to-do list that you are also an important relationship that needs attention.
You are a valuable tool in your life and you need to be “recharged” if you are to effectively run that life.
Once you see yourself as valuable and irreplaceable, you will naturally and effortlessly begin to maintain and exercise your body. You will not, however, follow your best friend’s regimen or the latest infomercial’s suggestion. You will find what works for your body, your life, and your abilities. You will like what you do to make sure your body is moved regularly and fed correctly.
While fat is stored, fitness is not. Natural principles govern our bodies, like the notion that we are not built to sit behind a PC all day and in front of a TV all night. Stress isn’t something to be fixed or cured, but an indicator that you are not listening to your body, and that you are not listening to yourself.
Are You Worth the Maintenance?
What happens when we finally make up our minds that we are a valuable tool in our own lives? That we need the same type of preventive maintenance as our computers or our cars? What might our activities look like once the thought that we have individual and unique value and should be treated as something with value has settled-in for good?
Perhaps your activities will look something like this:
*When you decide to eat differently, it will not be just to lose weight and then resort back to family-sized bags of potato chips in one sitting. You will eat what you like and you will eat what makes you feel good afterward (instead of tired or nauseous). If you do not like low-fat rice cakes, find what you DO like--and what you know is quality fuel---and eat that instead.
*You will sleep because it’s fun to sleep. It feels good to wake-up rested. To see how much sleep you need, it is recommended that you note the time you go to sleep on a day when you don’t have to be up at any particular time. Once you awaken naturally, note the time and the number of hours you slept. This is the correct amount of sleep for you.(see NOTE below for more info).
*Take time to slow down and check in with yourself, silently and often. You may write or just close your eyes and breathe, but do not let your day get away from you--through others’ demands or your own unreasonable expectations--without checking-in with yourself.
This is ultimately stress management.
*NOTE: Normal sleep times vary from six to ten hours. Experts typically state eight hours as the norm because it falls in the middle of these two extremes. You may need more. How do you know if you’re sleep deprived? One clue: you don’t remember your dreams.
See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.
self care,
self love,
stress management

Stephanie Goddard is considered a subject matter expert in workplace communications and specializes in leadership and interpersonal skills training and work stress coaching.
Stephanie's first book '101 Ways to Have a Great Day at Work' has been an Amazon 'business-bestseller'; a SHRM bestseller; and has been translated into 15 languages. "101 Ways to Love Your Job" is her second book with Sourcebooks Publishing.
"Whatever You Are, Be A Good One: A Guide to Workplace Effectiveness," is her latest work (also on Amazon in Kindle and paperback).
See her website for articles, quotes, worksheets and more : Work-Stress-Solutions.Com
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
I Am a Liar
"When we take innocent and open children and train them to be moralists, we train them at one and the same time to be liars. Moralism and lying go hand in hand. Being "good" and "looking good" lead directly to lying.
We conceal ourselves, by lying, because we fear that the pain accompanying the act of self-disclosure will literally destroy us, or fundamentally damage our being in some horrible way, rendering us maimed and dysfunctional. In addition, we fear we may destroy others with our truth-telling." ~Brad Blanton, Radical Honesty
Everybody lies. There is simply nothing to do about this, but accept this truth. We spend far too much time blaming others for lying to us, when the action that would have brought about the best outcome would be to ask ourselves, "What am I doing that is making telling the truth not an option for this person?" We lie for one reason: because we don't like the consequence of telling the truth.
Are you/we allowing people to be truthful? Are you a person where others can share what is true FOR THEM or do you get a bit hysterical or angered when someone says something you don't want to hear? I know I can be that way. Is lying often the only way to really get away from you or get along with you?
If you are uncomfortable with those may have just launched into a more global argument mentally. It may sound like, "Well, if we let just one person lie, and there is no punishment, then the whole world is going to crumble in chaos---thieves and Wall Street and Nixon---all liars!" This is a great way to avoid the inner work we need to do to understand that truth-telling begins inside. We are not the universal police. And it is only a matter of circumstance until we bend the truth, say the polite thing, fib, tell a little white lie---call it what you will---it's still lying and we all do it.
So is there a solution? Yes. We must be truthful, first, with ourselves. 'Know thyself' and the 12-step direction of doing a fearless self-inventory are two pieces of advice to find out what's true about you and let that be okay in your relationship with yourself. If you can become comfortable with the ways you have concealed the truth from yourself, and even forgive yourself for that, you will find it much easier to dismiss a lie someone has told you and buckle down for a conversation that involves the truth instead.
Really, that's all I'm going to offer in terms of suggestions for facing the truth that all people lie. It's inner work. The resistance to others lying to us is because we lie to ourselves. Since we can't be trusted to be truthful with ourselves, we insist our external world do the 'heavy lifting.' Until I can be honest with myself, I will insist that everyone else be truthful---otherwise the world really is an untrustworthy place.
See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.
We conceal ourselves, by lying, because we fear that the pain accompanying the act of self-disclosure will literally destroy us, or fundamentally damage our being in some horrible way, rendering us maimed and dysfunctional. In addition, we fear we may destroy others with our truth-telling." ~Brad Blanton, Radical Honesty
Everybody lies. There is simply nothing to do about this, but accept this truth. We spend far too much time blaming others for lying to us, when the action that would have brought about the best outcome would be to ask ourselves, "What am I doing that is making telling the truth not an option for this person?" We lie for one reason: because we don't like the consequence of telling the truth.
Are you/we allowing people to be truthful? Are you a person where others can share what is true FOR THEM or do you get a bit hysterical or angered when someone says something you don't want to hear? I know I can be that way. Is lying often the only way to really get away from you or get along with you?
If you are uncomfortable with those may have just launched into a more global argument mentally. It may sound like, "Well, if we let just one person lie, and there is no punishment, then the whole world is going to crumble in chaos---thieves and Wall Street and Nixon---all liars!" This is a great way to avoid the inner work we need to do to understand that truth-telling begins inside. We are not the universal police. And it is only a matter of circumstance until we bend the truth, say the polite thing, fib, tell a little white lie---call it what you will---it's still lying and we all do it.
So is there a solution? Yes. We must be truthful, first, with ourselves. 'Know thyself' and the 12-step direction of doing a fearless self-inventory are two pieces of advice to find out what's true about you and let that be okay in your relationship with yourself. If you can become comfortable with the ways you have concealed the truth from yourself, and even forgive yourself for that, you will find it much easier to dismiss a lie someone has told you and buckle down for a conversation that involves the truth instead.
Really, that's all I'm going to offer in terms of suggestions for facing the truth that all people lie. It's inner work. The resistance to others lying to us is because we lie to ourselves. Since we can't be trusted to be truthful with ourselves, we insist our external world do the 'heavy lifting.' Until I can be honest with myself, I will insist that everyone else be truthful---otherwise the world really is an untrustworthy place.
See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.
radical honesty

Stephanie Goddard is considered a subject matter expert in workplace communications and specializes in leadership and interpersonal skills training and work stress coaching.
Stephanie's first book '101 Ways to Have a Great Day at Work' has been an Amazon 'business-bestseller'; a SHRM bestseller; and has been translated into 15 languages. "101 Ways to Love Your Job" is her second book with Sourcebooks Publishing.
"Whatever You Are, Be A Good One: A Guide to Workplace Effectiveness," is her latest work (also on Amazon in Kindle and paperback).
See her website for articles, quotes, worksheets and more : Work-Stress-Solutions.Com
Monday, August 29, 2011
Not Knowing : When is "I Don't Know" the Right Answer?
Part of our desire (maybe ALL of our desire) to be right is making sense of the world, people's actions, illness, etc. When we can spend a large part of our lives in the state of "I don't know" we may at first feel powerless or even stupid, but this position can be the most powerful and wise of all.
When we are willing to say, "I don't know" we allow for things to unfold as they should, without our interference. We don't make our happiness contingent on our best guess. We don't force others to think like we do, out of fear that if they don't, we are wrong, and we will somehow become unhappy because our best guess was not what happened.
Try spending part of today in "I-don't-know"-land and notice your internal response. Also notice that no one thinks less of you. Do I know it will turn out this way? I don't know. But I DO know that the position of "I know almost everything and you better listen" is a painful and destructive mindset (and also happens to not be true).
See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.
being right,
not knowing,
right and wrong

Stephanie Goddard is considered a subject matter expert in workplace communications and specializes in leadership and interpersonal skills training and work stress coaching.
Stephanie's first book '101 Ways to Have a Great Day at Work' has been an Amazon 'business-bestseller'; a SHRM bestseller; and has been translated into 15 languages. "101 Ways to Love Your Job" is her second book with Sourcebooks Publishing.
"Whatever You Are, Be A Good One: A Guide to Workplace Effectiveness," is her latest work (also on Amazon in Kindle and paperback).
See her website for articles, quotes, worksheets and more : Work-Stress-Solutions.Com
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Are You Listening to Me????
Part of the reason that most of us label ourselves as poor listeners, is that we tend to formulate our replies mentally, while the other person is talking. This creates way too much static in our minds to be able to comprehend what the other person is saying.
The solution? Just listen to what is being said, and trust that you will be able to answer when it is your turn. This can only be realized by DOING it, because we have no evidence this is true (yet). All I can say, is "try it and see for yourself."
Another technique is "active listening." A better term would be "active paraphrasing." This is where you ensure attention is being paid to the speaker through rephrasing, in your own words, what you heard the speaker say. This also provides a focal point for the wayward listener: to paraphrase back what you heard, you must pay attention.
It is not parroting the speaker, nor is it an attempt to match the speaker's volume word for word. It's a short phrase, such as, "You had a tough time in your meeting today," and waiting for the speaker to confirm you got the gist of what was said.
Autobiographical Listening
The second biggest reason we may be poor listeners is that we screen out the speaker's words until we hear something we can relate to. Called "Autobiographical Listening" it sounds like this:
Speaker: I was really concerned about my mother's health, and started to investigate facilities for her, but most wouldn't take her Basset Hound, and she really loves that dog, and so I started to ....
Listener: Basset Hound? I LOVE Basset Hounds! I had one as a kid...
Another way we 'autobiographically listen' is that we listen only to advise, argue or assess. We only focus once we have an answer we want to share, or when we want to change someone's mind, or when we judge what the person is saying. It sounds like:
Speaker: I had a really bad commute on Highway 40 today. I really wish the D.O..T would plan a little better for...
Listener: Highway 40?? What are you doing taking 40 to work? You gotta take back roads. Here. Let me show you what I do....
Listening, like any other habit, takes regular application. It takes 21-28 days to form a new habit. During this time, you will be uncomfortable, irritated, have set-backs...but it is well-worth the effort that this month-long goal requires for a LIFELONG habit that ensures high-trust relationships in the workplace.
Continue on to learn more about the skills you need to deal with difficult co-workers:
Body Language
Tone of Voice
On Work-Stress-Solutions.Com/Difficult-Co-Workers
See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.

Stephanie Goddard is considered a subject matter expert in workplace communications and specializes in leadership and interpersonal skills training and work stress coaching.
Stephanie's first book '101 Ways to Have a Great Day at Work' has been an Amazon 'business-bestseller'; a SHRM bestseller; and has been translated into 15 languages. "101 Ways to Love Your Job" is her second book with Sourcebooks Publishing.
"Whatever You Are, Be A Good One: A Guide to Workplace Effectiveness," is her latest work (also on Amazon in Kindle and paperback).
See her website for articles, quotes, worksheets and more : Work-Stress-Solutions.Com
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Is the experience of humility something you are familiar with? If not, perhaps a clearer framework for "right" and "wrong" will help shift you even more? This thing about being's mostly opinion. It's mostly a guess. It's mostly theory.
When we put a lot of time and emotion into the THEORY we become very attached to it. It becomes a part of our self-definition. We are defending OURSELVES when we really mean to defend our opinion, our view, our best guess.
And that's where things breakdown for you/me/us. There may be a few absolutes that we can PROVE, (and I mean you better be able to prove it like MATH), but the rest is just how you want it to go.
And you can't know that your way--you can't absolutely know for sure--is the best way. It's an act of humility to finally get this. Humility. The mother of all virtues. Humility and integrity and trust...they all live together. You can't separate one from the other once these become where you put your time and emotion.
See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.
When we put a lot of time and emotion into the THEORY we become very attached to it. It becomes a part of our self-definition. We are defending OURSELVES when we really mean to defend our opinion, our view, our best guess.
And that's where things breakdown for you/me/us. There may be a few absolutes that we can PROVE, (and I mean you better be able to prove it like MATH), but the rest is just how you want it to go.
And you can't know that your way--you can't absolutely know for sure--is the best way. It's an act of humility to finally get this. Humility. The mother of all virtues. Humility and integrity and trust...they all live together. You can't separate one from the other once these become where you put your time and emotion.
See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.
being right,
right and wrong

Stephanie Goddard is considered a subject matter expert in workplace communications and specializes in leadership and interpersonal skills training and work stress coaching.
Stephanie's first book '101 Ways to Have a Great Day at Work' has been an Amazon 'business-bestseller'; a SHRM bestseller; and has been translated into 15 languages. "101 Ways to Love Your Job" is her second book with Sourcebooks Publishing.
"Whatever You Are, Be A Good One: A Guide to Workplace Effectiveness," is her latest work (also on Amazon in Kindle and paperback).
See her website for articles, quotes, worksheets and more : Work-Stress-Solutions.Com
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Only One Way to Be Right
What do you see in the picture above? A beautiful woman or an old hag? They are BOTH just have to look at it differently.
There is one way to be right, and it is a wonderful way to be. If you look for what is already going right, and break the habit of scanning for what is going wrong, you will find unexpected pockets of joy in your day---yes---joy. This will happen so frequently that you will wonder what in the WORLD you were doing wrong (uh, more of that) all the other years.
What is going right, right now? Look for it within your visual field as you read this post. Those curtains, no viruses (in the computer or your body), kids are safe, like that wall color, good weather, pretty hands....and don't stop doing this all day (and dare I suggest, don't stop doing this for the rest of your life?)
Seeing what's right. It's a matter of stopping the analyzing and the error-finding (in situations and others) and seeing what IS working, and how right most of your life is going.
Look for what you can be thankful for, and stop looking at what isn't going well. This can include people in your life as well. Stop looking at their faults and weirdness (not to get too technical on ya) and see what they bring to the party; what is right about them instead.
See what IS RIGHT in your life and stop trying to BE RIGHT about your opinions, choices, etc. (and forcing this on others).
(From Day 20 of the 30-Day Challenge, "When Right is Wrong."
See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.
paradigm shift,
right and wrong

Stephanie Goddard is considered a subject matter expert in workplace communications and specializes in leadership and interpersonal skills training and work stress coaching.
Stephanie's first book '101 Ways to Have a Great Day at Work' has been an Amazon 'business-bestseller'; a SHRM bestseller; and has been translated into 15 languages. "101 Ways to Love Your Job" is her second book with Sourcebooks Publishing.
"Whatever You Are, Be A Good One: A Guide to Workplace Effectiveness," is her latest work (also on Amazon in Kindle and paperback).
See her website for articles, quotes, worksheets and more : Work-Stress-Solutions.Com
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Wake Up to Reality
Many people's lives are constantly punctuated with little fits or tantrums in which they express their rejection of what's happening. What are the thoughts that come at these moments? "I'm hopeless," "If he hadn't done that....," "She always...," "I knew better than to do this."
Many of these thoughts are about what you would have done if you'd known better, or seen it coming, or remembered. You think that if you had done something other than what you did, you could have stayed in control of events. "Oh sh*t!" marks the point where reality and your plan parted ways. Things don't seem to be going your way, and to the best of your ability you're going to fight reality, even if all you can do is swear, kick a rock, or give someone you love a hard time.
The alternative is to expect reality NOT to follow your plan. You realize that you have no idea what's going to happen next. That way, you're pleasantly surprised when things seem to be going your way, and you're pleasantly surprised when they don't. In the second case, you may not have seen what the new possibilities are yet, but life quickly reveals them and the old plans don't stop you from moving ahead, from flowing efficiently into the life beyond your schemes and expectations.
Noticing and counting the beautiful reasons unexpected things happen for us ends the mystery. If you miss the real reasons, the benevolent reasons that coincide with kind nature, then count on depression to let you know that you missed them. Anger, frustration, and aggressive reasons can always be imagined---and what for? People who aren't interested in seeing why everything is good get to be right.
But that apparent rightness comes with disgruntlement, and often depression and separation. Depression can feel serious. So "counting the genuine ways that this unexpected event happened FOR me, rather than TO me" isn't a game. It's an exercise in observing the nature of life. It's a way of putting yourself back into reality, into the kindness of the nature of things.
Excerpt from Byron Katie's : "I Need Your Love---Is That True?: How to Stop Seeking Love, Approval and Appreciation and Start Finding Them Instead"
See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.
byron katie,

Stephanie Goddard is considered a subject matter expert in workplace communications and specializes in leadership and interpersonal skills training and work stress coaching.
Stephanie's first book '101 Ways to Have a Great Day at Work' has been an Amazon 'business-bestseller'; a SHRM bestseller; and has been translated into 15 languages. "101 Ways to Love Your Job" is her second book with Sourcebooks Publishing.
"Whatever You Are, Be A Good One: A Guide to Workplace Effectiveness," is her latest work (also on Amazon in Kindle and paperback).
See her website for articles, quotes, worksheets and more : Work-Stress-Solutions.Com
Friday, July 22, 2011
Embracing Others, Embracing Myself
We hear "We are all one..." and it is hard to make sense of that statement, though something about its hidden truth pulls at us. In this video, actor Thandie Newton tells the story of finding her "otherness" -- first, as a child growing up in two distinct cultures, and then as an actor playing with many different selves and how she found "we are all one". A warm, wise talk, fresh from stage at TEDGlobal 2011.
See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.
See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.
thandie newton,
we are all one

Stephanie Goddard is considered a subject matter expert in workplace communications and specializes in leadership and interpersonal skills training and work stress coaching.
Stephanie's first book '101 Ways to Have a Great Day at Work' has been an Amazon 'business-bestseller'; a SHRM bestseller; and has been translated into 15 languages. "101 Ways to Love Your Job" is her second book with Sourcebooks Publishing.
"Whatever You Are, Be A Good One: A Guide to Workplace Effectiveness," is her latest work (also on Amazon in Kindle and paperback).
See her website for articles, quotes, worksheets and more : Work-Stress-Solutions.Com
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Don't Believe Everything You Think
It seems to me, that no one is noticing the elephant in the human living room. Thoughts. I don’t seem to be in control of them, and they just keep on coming. I have spent what seems a lifetime trying to control them, their content, and their quality. I have meditated, done affirmations, insisted on thinking positively all day long, journaled and been to therapy. And none of it has changed one thing.
Since I’m not one to sit around after 30 years of effort and tell myself, “Try harder,” I decided to investigate this private realization. As it would happen, this “you are in charge of your thoughts” declaration is absolutely not true. But you knew that already.
What we CAN control is our response to these thoughts. But these thoughts just come on in, unbidden. You can purposely think a statement or affirmation, sure, but what gave you the thought to think it? Ha! Gotcha. It just popped in, right?
Jung had a term called the Collective Unconscious; the Vendata Community has a term, “the causal body.” Both of these explain that thoughts are coming from SOMEWHERE (call it God, Reality or from the Great Beyond), but they are not originating FROM YOU. You are BEING thought!
You’ll notice you are digesting food and taking in air in the very same way. It’s just happening. Your agreement with these processes is not required. It will happen with or without your vote. Sit for a moment and notice this.
So, what is my point?
Well, I had, er, a THOUGHT ‘came in’ that suggested that I write an article about this to you; to allow others to have access to this same insight. At this point, this information may seem like AWFUL news, because you apparently don’t have control over your thoughts. But isn’t this realization also kind of freeing?
If you are not the thinker, than you can just observe the thoughts, and decide (you still have free will) which ones to emotionally or physically respond to. So, you can have a feeling or execute an action. Or you can dismiss the thought altogether.
Byron Katie, of “the Work” fame, anchors her entire program on this premise. She tells us that every stressful thought is a lie. Doesn’t that sound INSULTING at first glance? But what she means is, if the thought is upsetting to us, it isn’t true. It is going against reality or our own truth or both.
“I’m too fat and ugly” could be a thought that pops in when you look in the mirror. Is that true? Are you really TOO fat? Are you considered ugly by everyone? Even your dog? Well, maybe you could lose some weight, but currently, you are as big or small as you are. It’s just a fact. You’re alive and seem to be mobile (you walked by a mirror, right?) so perhaps the definition of fat is subjective. Are you REALLY grossed out by yourself or are you trying to program your view to match some societal opinion that is repeated a lot on TV and at night clubs?
If the circumstances were different and you were on a deserted island with no food, are you too fat now? Or are you properly equipped to withstand isolation until help arrives (compared to your size 5 friend who is definitely not gonna make it past the first month?).
Yes, yes, I hear you. You think this is crazy and will keep you alone and judged by your neighbors and co-workers if you adopt this new way of viewing thoughts. These various people that walk around noticing your outfits and your hair and your butt (and seem to be very important to you---maybe more important than YOU are to you). They really are focused on YOU, aren’t they?? Well, since you have been trying to please them since you were about 12 years old, and haven’t really measured up consistently –if ever---what do you say we stop worrying about the thoughts THEY have randomly entering their brains and focus on the ones randomly entering yours?
Because I have to tell ya, it is actually a lot of FUN to watch them pop in and out all day. And knowing I get to decide which one to attend to and which one to ignore, makes me feel VERY In charge, not out of control. How about trying it my way?
It’s just a thought…:)
"A thought is harmless unless we believe it. It’s not our thoughts, but our attachment to our thoughts, that causes suffering. Attaching to a thought means believing that it’s true, without inquiring. A belief is a thought that we’ve been attaching to, often for years."
— Byron Katie (Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life)
See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.
byron katie,
mind control,
positive thinking,

Stephanie Goddard is considered a subject matter expert in workplace communications and specializes in leadership and interpersonal skills training and work stress coaching.
Stephanie's first book '101 Ways to Have a Great Day at Work' has been an Amazon 'business-bestseller'; a SHRM bestseller; and has been translated into 15 languages. "101 Ways to Love Your Job" is her second book with Sourcebooks Publishing.
"Whatever You Are, Be A Good One: A Guide to Workplace Effectiveness," is her latest work (also on Amazon in Kindle and paperback).
See her website for articles, quotes, worksheets and more : Work-Stress-Solutions.Com
Monday, July 18, 2011
You Are Wrong!!
The title got your attention, didn't it? And NOT in a good way.
Aren't you feeling a little agitation right now? I bet you are. This is the normal response to being told we are WRONG. Your intention in reading further may even be to prove to me that you are NOT wrong, but quite right. And you don't even know what we are talking about yet!
This attitude is why we have conflict. Conflict is caused by the desire to be right. Think about an argument you have recently had. Was it with your spouse, co-worker or who was next in line at Target? It doesn't matter WHO is was, or what you THINK about them, or even what the actual FACTS were. What generated the conflict was your need to prove you were right about whatever happened.
In any given situation that involves conflict (whether that is aggressive conflict or polite conflict, it hardly matters) you would be better off in the long run to give up your irresistible need to be right EVERY TIME. You may wish to fight to the death on some issue that is important to you---and those fights are likely the ones that define who you are and what you stand for. But when you are fighting over who took the garbage our last or were you the next one in line, you may need to see where your need to be right is getting in your way.
Dr. Robert Bolten, bestselling author of "People Skills" states, "My research indicates that 95% of all conflict stems from our irresistible need to be right. Our conflict would greatly diminish if we gave up this mindset."
So how do we go about changing this mindset? Following are a couple of quotes based on Dr. Stephen Covey's Work (The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People) and to take a quote from this list and put it to work for you. Place it on your computer screen, as a screensaver or post if somewhere you will see often like the bathroom mirror.
"Assertiveness is defined as courage balanced with consideration." My interpretation: Have the guts to stand up for yourself, but do it with some manners.
"What is more important ? To be right in your relationships or to be effective in them?" My interpretation: On your deathbed, will your last words be "I was loved" or "I was right" ?
Excerpt #70 from my book "101 Ways to Love Your Job."
See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.
being right,
being wrong,
people skills,

Stephanie Goddard is considered a subject matter expert in workplace communications and specializes in leadership and interpersonal skills training and work stress coaching.
Stephanie's first book '101 Ways to Have a Great Day at Work' has been an Amazon 'business-bestseller'; a SHRM bestseller; and has been translated into 15 languages. "101 Ways to Love Your Job" is her second book with Sourcebooks Publishing.
"Whatever You Are, Be A Good One: A Guide to Workplace Effectiveness," is her latest work (also on Amazon in Kindle and paperback).
See her website for articles, quotes, worksheets and more : Work-Stress-Solutions.Com
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