Brain Plasticity in Action: Getting smarter and happier
You can re-train your brain to overcome depression and anxiety
by G. Frank Lawlis
Up until ten years ago, the prevailing thought was that our brains were basically the same potential the day we were born until the day we died. As Supervisor to American Mensa, the “High IQ” organization that allows only the top 2 percent of the population on intelligence tests in their organization, I have been reflecting this core belief of genetic intelligence as a standard of scientific basis. However, with the advance of brain scans and increased capability to measure neuron function down to a single cell, I have had to concede that not only can the brain get “smarter and better balanced,” but this process lasts a lifetime. And to put the new findings into greater relevance, the smarter you get the happier you get.
One of the principles of improved brain plasticity, as mentioned in my book entitled The IQ Answer, is that neurons (the brain cells) tend to gravitate toward high activity centers. Much like we develop motor skills to learn to ride a bicycle, the motor cells will accumulate as you build the coordination to keep yourself going. It takes trial-and-error for the brain to coordinate the neurons and accumulate enough for the practice to establish the high level of balancing and muscles to finally build the “package” of neuron connections for bicycling that seems to stay in place for decades.
Consider how emotional “packages” of neurons can be developed that establishes negative-affective states, such as depression and anxiety. These complexes can be replaced by “pleasure” bundles of nerve networks that are much less destructive to one’s life, which as a reinforcer for change. Too often people use this same appeal to become addictive to drug-induced states. You can train your brain to be happy and free from stress.
The first step in re-shaping your brain in its emotional reaction, as well as mental intelligence, is to destabilize the restrictive nerve bundles, perhaps breaking the sequence altogether. Instead of thinking how to do mathematics one way, learn to do it in other ways. If you can’t get out of a stress storm, take charge and re-train to do what you want it to. But first, you have to stop the thinking process. How do you do that? One of the most common ways is to change your breathing patterns. The brain, and the whole body, responds to the patterns of how you breathe. For example, consider that you might breathe 22 cycles a minute, and your brain thinks that you are in danger (the rabbit breath rate.) Naturally you are going to have a brain that reacts in anxiety storms. You won’t be able to think clearly for mental exercises because you would be in survival mode and looking for quick answers instead of thinking through logical solutions. Start breathing in 12-14 cycles and get your brain processing in a more normal state. There are other ways of stopping thinking patterns, like going on vacation, listening to certain music, exercising, etc.
Step two for changing your brain for better emotional solutions is while you have destabilized the anxious brain pattern, establish the pattern you want. Like learning how to multiple or ride a bicycle, find your pattern you like. I have found listening to favorite music tunes works like magic. Some people listen to gospel songs all day, and all they have to do is hum a familiar phrase, and BOOM they are in their preferred states. Romantic songs do it for me, especially Willy Nelson.
As I said, you have to practice what you want or the destructive brain storms return. The more you learn to train your brain for what you desire, the better you can accomplish what you want.
The critical kicker to maintaining your skills in brain plasticity is celebrating your abilities. Similar to the research on behavioral modification, the brain loves adoration. You deserve the slap on the back to brag on yourself. Once I trained my vision acuity from 20/80 to 20/20 and I gave myself a little party. I gave a gift of a new car to remind myself of how well I did. I am now 68, 40 years later, and I still have 20/30, although the car has gone to other junk by now.
I do not consider myself extraordinary in any sense, but my years on psychology have awed me with my brain and all it can do, if you will give yourself a chance. It may sound ridiculous, but that is the stuff of growth. And you have the power to make a difference in your life at any time you want it.
This article was not written by Stephanie, but by G. Frank Lawlis. See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.
This blog's intent is to show you how to love your job. A job that is loved will change the world---regardless of title, salary or social status.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Train Your Brain
Stephanie Goddard is considered a subject matter expert in workplace communications and specializes in leadership and interpersonal skills training and work stress coaching.
Stephanie's first book '101 Ways to Have a Great Day at Work' has been an Amazon 'business-bestseller'; a SHRM bestseller; and has been translated into 15 languages. "101 Ways to Love Your Job" is her second book with Sourcebooks Publishing.
"Whatever You Are, Be A Good One: A Guide to Workplace Effectiveness," is her latest work (also on Amazon in Kindle and paperback).
See her website for articles, quotes, worksheets and more : Work-Stress-Solutions.Com
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
This SHOULD be Happening....Because It Is !
Excerpt from FREE PDF "The Work of Byron Katie"
The only time we suffer is when we believe a thought that argues with what is. When the mind is perfectly clear, what is is what we want. If you want reality to be different than it is, you might as well try to teach a cat to bark. You can try and try, and in the end the cat will look up at you and say, “Meow.” Wanting reality to be different than it is is hopeless.
And yet, if you pay attention, you’ll notice that you believe thoughts like this dozens of times a day. “People should be kinder.” “Children should be wellbehaved.” “My husband (or wife) should agree with me.” “I should be thinner (or prettier or more successful).” These thoughts are ways of wanting reality to be different than it is. If you think that this sounds depressing, you’re right. All the stress that we feel is caused by arguing with what is.
People new to The Work often say to me, “But it would be disempowering to stop my argument with reality. If I simply accept reality, I’ll become passive. I may even lose the desire to act.” I answer them with a question: “Can you really know that that’s true?” Which is more empowering?—“I wish I hadn’t lost my job” or “I lost my job; what intelligent solutions can I find right now?”
The Work reveals that what you think shouldn’t have happened should have happened. It should have happened because it did happen, and no thinking in the world can change it. This doesn’t mean that you condone it or approve of it. It just means that you can see things without resistance and without the confusion of your inner struggle. No one wants their children to get sick, no one wants to be in a car accident; but when these things happen, how can it be helpful to mentally argue with them? We know better than to do that, yet we do it, because we don’t know how to stop.
Free PDF
Watch this video as Katie helps someone do "The Work":
See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.
The only time we suffer is when we believe a thought that argues with what is. When the mind is perfectly clear, what is is what we want. If you want reality to be different than it is, you might as well try to teach a cat to bark. You can try and try, and in the end the cat will look up at you and say, “Meow.” Wanting reality to be different than it is is hopeless.
And yet, if you pay attention, you’ll notice that you believe thoughts like this dozens of times a day. “People should be kinder.” “Children should be wellbehaved.” “My husband (or wife) should agree with me.” “I should be thinner (or prettier or more successful).” These thoughts are ways of wanting reality to be different than it is. If you think that this sounds depressing, you’re right. All the stress that we feel is caused by arguing with what is.
People new to The Work often say to me, “But it would be disempowering to stop my argument with reality. If I simply accept reality, I’ll become passive. I may even lose the desire to act.” I answer them with a question: “Can you really know that that’s true?” Which is more empowering?—“I wish I hadn’t lost my job” or “I lost my job; what intelligent solutions can I find right now?”
The Work reveals that what you think shouldn’t have happened should have happened. It should have happened because it did happen, and no thinking in the world can change it. This doesn’t mean that you condone it or approve of it. It just means that you can see things without resistance and without the confusion of your inner struggle. No one wants their children to get sick, no one wants to be in a car accident; but when these things happen, how can it be helpful to mentally argue with them? We know better than to do that, yet we do it, because we don’t know how to stop.
Free PDF
Watch this video as Katie helps someone do "The Work":
See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.
Stephanie Goddard is considered a subject matter expert in workplace communications and specializes in leadership and interpersonal skills training and work stress coaching.
Stephanie's first book '101 Ways to Have a Great Day at Work' has been an Amazon 'business-bestseller'; a SHRM bestseller; and has been translated into 15 languages. "101 Ways to Love Your Job" is her second book with Sourcebooks Publishing.
"Whatever You Are, Be A Good One: A Guide to Workplace Effectiveness," is her latest work (also on Amazon in Kindle and paperback).
See her website for articles, quotes, worksheets and more : Work-Stress-Solutions.Com
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Work Stress Quiz
People like to take quizzes. Here's one regarding work stress.
Take Quiz
See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.
Stephanie Goddard is considered a subject matter expert in workplace communications and specializes in leadership and interpersonal skills training and work stress coaching.
Stephanie's first book '101 Ways to Have a Great Day at Work' has been an Amazon 'business-bestseller'; a SHRM bestseller; and has been translated into 15 languages. "101 Ways to Love Your Job" is her second book with Sourcebooks Publishing.
"Whatever You Are, Be A Good One: A Guide to Workplace Effectiveness," is her latest work (also on Amazon in Kindle and paperback).
See her website for articles, quotes, worksheets and more : Work-Stress-Solutions.Com
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
You Spot It, You Got It
By now, many of you may be familiar with the concept of projection or what some call "shadow work." These terms are used to describe the phenomenon that ALL humans experience, which is to push out or project what we reject in ourselves onto others. Said another way: If you are irritated or angered by another's behavior, it is because you have not accepted that aspect of yourself.
You may be saying to yourself, "Well, that's good! We need to keep ourselves others under control or we would all turn into robbers and murderers!" I look around and notice that those who are self-accepting (flaws especially) are very peaceful. And I notice this "tried and true" method of self-flaggelation hasn't kept our prisons clear and free of humans. So how about considering another way?
Now, this is for YOU. Don't start sharing the link to this blog entry with a "Boy, does my coworker need this..." or "My spouse has got to see this---she projects constantly!" That's just you projecting you see?
We can only change one mind: our own. So here's a video that will help TREMENDOUSLY:
See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.
Stephanie Goddard is considered a subject matter expert in workplace communications and specializes in leadership and interpersonal skills training and work stress coaching.
Stephanie's first book '101 Ways to Have a Great Day at Work' has been an Amazon 'business-bestseller'; a SHRM bestseller; and has been translated into 15 languages. "101 Ways to Love Your Job" is her second book with Sourcebooks Publishing.
"Whatever You Are, Be A Good One: A Guide to Workplace Effectiveness," is her latest work (also on Amazon in Kindle and paperback).
See her website for articles, quotes, worksheets and more : Work-Stress-Solutions.Com
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
I'll Do It, But I Don't Have to Like It
Motivation. Morale. Enthusiasm. Positive Attitude. These are the buzz words that my clients throw about when talking about their 'lazy employees' (or rather what they lack). But what these supervisors do not understand is that motivation to perform a task--more accurately called 'interest'--- is not something that can be manufactured.
Interest cannot be forced. Interest either comes naturally or must be faked. And faking requires a motivator. We often call this "the carrot or the stick." We can either bribe someone (carrot) or punish someone (stick) to perform a task they are not naturally interested in.
Does your interest in getting something done come from somewhere else? No. This is not about how someone was raised or whether they are a good person or not. This isn't any different than, say, gravity. If a good person walks off the top of a building, they will drop to the ground, just like a bad person. Interest shifts as the topic shifts. You are interested in your department doing their work. And if you aren't, or are secretly not enjoying your job, then you rely on bribery (a paycheck) or punishment (disciplinary action and even termination).
So, let's ease up on our "slackers", okay? They don't want to do it. But they do it anyway. Because you supplied praise or punishment. These are the only artificial motivators when interest is lacking.
And let's remember this truth when you tell your children they should WANT to clean the house because it's theirs too and therefore will not get an allowance for doing so.
Haha! That's a good one.
See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.
Stephanie Goddard is considered a subject matter expert in workplace communications and specializes in leadership and interpersonal skills training and work stress coaching.
Stephanie's first book '101 Ways to Have a Great Day at Work' has been an Amazon 'business-bestseller'; a SHRM bestseller; and has been translated into 15 languages. "101 Ways to Love Your Job" is her second book with Sourcebooks Publishing.
"Whatever You Are, Be A Good One: A Guide to Workplace Effectiveness," is her latest work (also on Amazon in Kindle and paperback).
See her website for articles, quotes, worksheets and more : Work-Stress-Solutions.Com
Friday, September 14, 2012
101 Ways to Deal with a Pain in the Butt at Work
You can get this free e-book on my site by giving me your email so I can send ya lots of emails and get you back to my website...but I've decided you shouldn't have to go through all those extra steps. Here's a link to my free e-book "101 Ways to Deail with a Pain in the Butt at Work." Enjoy!
See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.
Stephanie Goddard is considered a subject matter expert in workplace communications and specializes in leadership and interpersonal skills training and work stress coaching.
Stephanie's first book '101 Ways to Have a Great Day at Work' has been an Amazon 'business-bestseller'; a SHRM bestseller; and has been translated into 15 languages. "101 Ways to Love Your Job" is her second book with Sourcebooks Publishing.
"Whatever You Are, Be A Good One: A Guide to Workplace Effectiveness," is her latest work (also on Amazon in Kindle and paperback).
See her website for articles, quotes, worksheets and more : Work-Stress-Solutions.Com
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Stephanie Goddard is considered a subject matter expert in workplace communications and specializes in leadership and interpersonal skills training and work stress coaching.
Stephanie's first book '101 Ways to Have a Great Day at Work' has been an Amazon 'business-bestseller'; a SHRM bestseller; and has been translated into 15 languages. "101 Ways to Love Your Job" is her second book with Sourcebooks Publishing.
"Whatever You Are, Be A Good One: A Guide to Workplace Effectiveness," is her latest work (also on Amazon in Kindle and paperback).
See her website for articles, quotes, worksheets and more : Work-Stress-Solutions.Com
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Radical Self-Acceptance: Say Yes to It All
Suffering arises when we resist the life of the moment. This Yes meditation is an inner practice of acceptance in which we willingly allow our thoughts, emotions and sensations to be just as they are.
Yes does not mean we are approving of something or believing our judgments. Rather, the practice honors what is actually happening. In the moments we say Yes without resistance, Yes with our whole heart, acceptance becomes surrender into truth. By surrendering, we discover the openness and freedom of our true nature.
It is important to remember that it is not always wise to say Yes to inner experience. If we have been traumatized in the past, old feelings of terror may be triggered. More generally, we might not have the balance or resiliency in a particular moment to a difficult experience with the openness of Yes.
See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.
Suffering arises when we resist the life of the moment. This Yes meditation is an inner practice of acceptance in which we willingly allow our thoughts, emotions and sensations to be just as they are.
Yes does not mean we are approving of something or believing our judgments. Rather, the practice honors what is actually happening. In the moments we say Yes without resistance, Yes with our whole heart, acceptance becomes surrender into truth. By surrendering, we discover the openness and freedom of our true nature.
It is important to remember that it is not always wise to say Yes to inner experience. If we have been traumatized in the past, old feelings of terror may be triggered. More generally, we might not have the balance or resiliency in a particular moment to a difficult experience with the openness of Yes.
See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.
Stephanie Goddard is considered a subject matter expert in workplace communications and specializes in leadership and interpersonal skills training and work stress coaching.
Stephanie's first book '101 Ways to Have a Great Day at Work' has been an Amazon 'business-bestseller'; a SHRM bestseller; and has been translated into 15 languages. "101 Ways to Love Your Job" is her second book with Sourcebooks Publishing.
"Whatever You Are, Be A Good One: A Guide to Workplace Effectiveness," is her latest work (also on Amazon in Kindle and paperback).
See her website for articles, quotes, worksheets and more : Work-Stress-Solutions.Com
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Radical Forgiveness
(From the Radical Forgiveness website): You cannot be in a peaceful state if you are holding resentment and anger about things that have happened in the past or continue to rob you of your peace even now. It is incredibly disempowering to make others responsible for your lack of happiness.
The answer, of course, is forgiveness. But don’t worry. We have a way to do it that is not at all difficult. It’s not like conventional forgiveness which is hard to do and rarely works. Radical Forgiveness is a simple step-by-step process that is fast, easy and extremely effective. It provides tools that enable you to quickly release whatever energies you are holding onto.
~Colin Tipping
Read the first chapter of Colin Tipping's book to learn why this worksheet is so powerful. I found that this was all I needed to get excited about this work and to complete the worksheet.
Now complete (print) this free PDF and work on a situation you are struggling with.
Forgiveness Worksheet
More freebies and downloads from Radical Forgiveness. See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.
Stephanie Goddard is considered a subject matter expert in workplace communications and specializes in leadership and interpersonal skills training and work stress coaching.
Stephanie's first book '101 Ways to Have a Great Day at Work' has been an Amazon 'business-bestseller'; a SHRM bestseller; and has been translated into 15 languages. "101 Ways to Love Your Job" is her second book with Sourcebooks Publishing.
"Whatever You Are, Be A Good One: A Guide to Workplace Effectiveness," is her latest work (also on Amazon in Kindle and paperback).
See her website for articles, quotes, worksheets and more : Work-Stress-Solutions.Com
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
How to "Let Go"
Letting Go
To let go doesn't mean to stop caring;
It means I can't do it for someone else.
To let go is not to cut myself off.
It's the realization that I can't control another.
To let go is not to enable,
but to allow learning from natural consequences.
To let go is to admit powerlessness,
which means the outcome is not in my hands.
To let go is not to try and change or blame another,
I can only change myself.
To let go is not to care for, but to care about.
To let go is not to fix, but to be supportive.
To let go is not to judge,
but to allow another to be a human being.
To let go is not to be in the middle arranging all the outcomes,
but to allow others to affect their own outcomes.
To let go is not to be protective;
it is to permit another to face reality.
To let go is not to deny, but to accept.
To let go is not to nag, scold, or argue,
but to search out my own shortcomings and correct them.
To let go is not to adjust everything to my desires,
but to take each day as it comes and cherish the moment.
To let go is not to criticize and regulate anyone,
but to try to become what I dream I can be.
To let go is not to regret the past,
but to grow and live for the future.
To let go is to fear less and love more.
(Author Unknown)
See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.
To let go doesn't mean to stop caring;
It means I can't do it for someone else.
To let go is not to cut myself off.
It's the realization that I can't control another.
To let go is not to enable,
but to allow learning from natural consequences.
To let go is to admit powerlessness,
which means the outcome is not in my hands.
To let go is not to try and change or blame another,
I can only change myself.
To let go is not to care for, but to care about.
To let go is not to fix, but to be supportive.
To let go is not to judge,
but to allow another to be a human being.
To let go is not to be in the middle arranging all the outcomes,
but to allow others to affect their own outcomes.
To let go is not to be protective;
it is to permit another to face reality.
To let go is not to deny, but to accept.
To let go is not to nag, scold, or argue,
but to search out my own shortcomings and correct them.
To let go is not to adjust everything to my desires,
but to take each day as it comes and cherish the moment.
To let go is not to criticize and regulate anyone,
but to try to become what I dream I can be.
To let go is not to regret the past,
but to grow and live for the future.
To let go is to fear less and love more.
(Author Unknown)
See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.
Stephanie Goddard is considered a subject matter expert in workplace communications and specializes in leadership and interpersonal skills training and work stress coaching.
Stephanie's first book '101 Ways to Have a Great Day at Work' has been an Amazon 'business-bestseller'; a SHRM bestseller; and has been translated into 15 languages. "101 Ways to Love Your Job" is her second book with Sourcebooks Publishing.
"Whatever You Are, Be A Good One: A Guide to Workplace Effectiveness," is her latest work (also on Amazon in Kindle and paperback).
See her website for articles, quotes, worksheets and more : Work-Stress-Solutions.Com
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Drop the Call
I hate the phone. If you know me, you know this. I would rather text you or Facebook you or email you or chat face-to-face then pick up the phone and call you. This is true at work and in my personal life. This is true if I’m your customer or you are mine. This is true all the time, even if the call is free. I don’t like talking on the phone, and here’s why:
Talking on the phone is the worst possible method. First, you must keep a device next to your head at all times. Now, some “phone pros” purchase the expensive earpiece that allows hands-free calling. I can almost see the appeal. But I have one question: have you ever had something in your ear for any length of time? How was that? Cotton ball? Earbuds? Ear plugs? Was that a pleasant experience? Right. It isn’t. You want whatever it is out as soon as possible.
Secondly, talking on the phone requires constant dialogue. In person or online, you can take breaks, you can pause, you can leave the area and return without a lot of issues. But dead silence on the phone? Wow! What’s wrong? Are you still there? So how ‘bout those Yankees? While you hold this now-hot (and possibly sweaty) device next to your face you must also be ready with a constant flow of conversation.
To add insult to injury, you must now determine when the other person has stopped their train of thought, so as not to interrupt them. While you have no body language advantage while texting or emailing, making for the occasional misunderstanding, you also have no body language on the phone. You, therefore, interrupt your caller without fail or they interrupt you---which inevitably results in a manners-contest of, “No! You go ahead.” And “Oh no---you first,” or “No, no what were YOU going to say?” and so on.
So, just to recap: no interrupting, but also no silence. Are you following me so far?
In the world of text, email, chat, or social media, one has the supreme advantage of being able to edit before sending a comment. While typing may not be your thing, being able to delete your insensitive comment or bad joke is undoubtedly invaluable to even the hunt-and-peck crowd.
Now consider things like going to the bathroom (can’t do that on the phone, though it’s acceptable when you are face-to-face to excuse yourself and take care of biological needs), talking to other people in your area, stretching, keeping your eye on the TV, dealing with chores, etc. All are possible WHILE you communicate online. No one wonders why your response isn’t immediate…or if the response never comes…we know something in your life took you away. Perfectly okay. For those with an extra strong need to be polite, you simply put “brb” (be right back) or “otp” (on the phone) or whatever has taken you away indicating you will resume the conversation when, and if, you are ready.
Unlike the phone (and face to face), communicating with others via text also has the advantage of a written record. Invaluable for business transactions, this is also a terrific tool for personal relationships. You can go back and re-read a misunderstanding and see it with different eyes or ask for clarification and send their very words back to them. You can miss someone and simply pull up your last email exchange or chat, and be there once again. No need to get a hand cramp writing a letter, finding a stamp and a post office to send your words to another. You can be in Australia and you can talk via text for free---in real time---with someone in the United States right this minute. That’s amazing. I don’t care how slow you type.
So, in conclusion, for the friends and family that know I dislike the phone, and for my customers who see that I have switched my phone coaching business to an email format (though still handling workshops face-to-face---but never via conference call), I am giving you my full reasoning for this choice. While I’m pretty sure this will not change many of your minds about picking up the phone and calling someone when other options are available, at the very least, I hope this allows you to see why I am not and never will be regularly calling you to catch up.
If you have a counter-argument to my position, and find my view anti-social or strange in any way, I am open to that and would love to hear your reasoning.
Just call me.
See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.
Stephanie Goddard is considered a subject matter expert in workplace communications and specializes in leadership and interpersonal skills training and work stress coaching.
Stephanie's first book '101 Ways to Have a Great Day at Work' has been an Amazon 'business-bestseller'; a SHRM bestseller; and has been translated into 15 languages. "101 Ways to Love Your Job" is her second book with Sourcebooks Publishing.
"Whatever You Are, Be A Good One: A Guide to Workplace Effectiveness," is her latest work (also on Amazon in Kindle and paperback).
See her website for articles, quotes, worksheets and more : Work-Stress-Solutions.Com
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Know Thyself
In the interest of self-acceptance, it is amazingly useful to "Know Thyself" as well as possible. These tests offer quite a lot of "knowing." All are free too. Spend some time getting to know yourself here.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is the leading psychological instrument for measuring personality type. Emotional intelligence is also identified within the Thinker/Feeler spectrum.
What stresses us and why (and how we handle it) are all revealed and improved once you understand your type. Take this free test and learn more about your type: Take the Jung Personality Test
Another MBTI-type test that many say is easier to answer (and is shorter to complete) comes from a site called 41 Questions (41Q). Take the 41 Questions Test.
Once you know your type, spend some time reading about how you tick on The Personality Page. The Personality Page
The Enneagram is one of the oldest tests in the world for finding out more about who you are, your challenges around emotional intelligence, and how you handle stress. The Ennegram Personality Inventory:
Image Focus
As always, here's a FREE link to take the test yourself. _________________________________________________
Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the leading indicator of workplace success---far outweighing IQ. Self-awareness is the first step to EI. Take advantage of the emotional intelligence tests and tools listed below and IMPROVE your EI for better stress management.
Complete EI Assessment
The Johari Window is a great way to get a handle on your EI and increase its number. The Johari Window was invented by Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham in the 1950s as a model for mapping personality awareness. By describing yourself from a fixed list of adjectives, then asking your friends and colleagues to describe you from the same list, a grid of overlap and difference can be built up.
Free Johari Assessment.
Tests from Psychology Today...all free! Includes:
What is Your Emotional IQ?
Are You Mentally Tough?
Is Your Lifestyle Wearing You Down?
What Are Your Stress Triggers?
What's Your Personality Type?
Are You Burned Out? (Non-Service Fields)
Are You Burned Out? (Service Professions)
Go to my site for links to the tests listed above now.
See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.
Stephanie Goddard is considered a subject matter expert in workplace communications and specializes in leadership and interpersonal skills training and work stress coaching.
Stephanie's first book '101 Ways to Have a Great Day at Work' has been an Amazon 'business-bestseller'; a SHRM bestseller; and has been translated into 15 languages. "101 Ways to Love Your Job" is her second book with Sourcebooks Publishing.
"Whatever You Are, Be A Good One: A Guide to Workplace Effectiveness," is her latest work (also on Amazon in Kindle and paperback).
See her website for articles, quotes, worksheets and more : Work-Stress-Solutions.Com
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Truth from Osho
Question: “Somewhere there is that fear which makes me closed and hard and sad and desperate and angry and hopeless. It seems to be so subtle that I don’t even really get in touch with it. How can I see it more clearly?"
Osho: “The only problem with sadness, desperateness, anger, hopelessness, anxiety, anguish, misery, is that you want to get rid of them. That’s the only barrier.
You will have to live with them. You cannot just escape. They are the very situation in which life has to integrate and grow. They are the challenges of life. Accept them. They are blessings in disguise. If you want to escape from them, if you somehow want to get rid of them, then the problem arises – because if you want to get rid of something, you never look at it directly. And then the thing starts hiding from you because you are condemnatory; then the thing goes on moving deeper into the unconscious, hides in the darkest corner of your being where you cannot find it. It moves into the basement of your being and hides there. And of course the deeper it goes, the more trouble it creates – because then it starts functioning from unknown corners of your being and you are completely helpless.
So the first thing is: never repress. The first thing is: whatsoever is the case is the case. Accept it and let it come – let it come in front of you. In fact just to say “do not repress” is not enough. If you allow me, I would like to say, “Befriend it.”
You are feeling sad? Befriend it, have compassion for it. Sadness also has a being. Allow it, embrace it, sit with it, hold hands with it. Be friendly. Be in love with it. Sadness is beautiful! Nothing is wrong with it. Who told you that something is wrong in being sad? In fact only sadness gives you depth. Laughter is shallow; happiness is skin-deep. Sadness goes to the very bones, to the marrow. Nothing goes as deep as sadness.
So don’t be worried. Remain with it and sadness will take you to your innermost core. You can ride on it and you will be able to know a few new things about your being that you had never known before. Those things can be revealed only in a sad state, they can never be revealed in a happy state. Darkness is also good and darkness is also divine. The day is not only existence’s, the night is also. I call this attitude religious.
A person who can be patiently sad will suddenly find that one morning a happiness is arising in his heart from some unknown source. That unknown source is godliness. You have earned it if you have been truly sad; if you have been truly hopeless, desperate, unhappy, miserable, if you have lived in hell, you have earned heaven. You have paid the cost.”
Confront life. Encounter life. Difficult moments will be there, but one day you will see that those difficult moments gave you strength because you encountered them. They were meant to be. Those difficult moments are hard when you are passing through them, but later on you will see they have made you more integrated. Without them you would never have been centered, grounded.
The old religions all over the world have been repressive; the new religion of the future is going to be expressive. And I teach that new religion…let expression be one of the most fundamental rules of your life. Even if you have to suffer for it, suffer. You will never be a loser. That suffering will make you more and more capable of enjoying life, of rejoicing in life."
(Thanks to Anupam Barlow)
See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.
Stephanie Goddard is considered a subject matter expert in workplace communications and specializes in leadership and interpersonal skills training and work stress coaching.
Stephanie's first book '101 Ways to Have a Great Day at Work' has been an Amazon 'business-bestseller'; a SHRM bestseller; and has been translated into 15 languages. "101 Ways to Love Your Job" is her second book with Sourcebooks Publishing.
"Whatever You Are, Be A Good One: A Guide to Workplace Effectiveness," is her latest work (also on Amazon in Kindle and paperback).
See her website for articles, quotes, worksheets and more : Work-Stress-Solutions.Com
Saturday, April 28, 2012
The Illusion of Guilt
It's always there. like a trail of breadcrumbs, the path to peace (and out of stress) is the same as the path away that got you out of peace (and stressed out).
It goes action > guilt > projection. So you just gotta turn it around and see the projection >past the guilt > find my action.
You're looking at your projection now, you just gotta clear the guilt which is hiding your own action, and see it again with your beautiful eyes of light which now know that you did nothing wrong and you could never make a mistake.
Sometimes it takes hours to find it, but it is always there. If I see a wrong has been done by another, always, I have done this wrong myself and am just holding the other guilty because I hold myself guilty.
Tip before you try this: The best way is to ask nicely and then close your eyes and sit quietly and wait for the memory to appear.
~Caity Johnstone
See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.
Stephanie Goddard is considered a subject matter expert in workplace communications and specializes in leadership and interpersonal skills training and work stress coaching.
Stephanie's first book '101 Ways to Have a Great Day at Work' has been an Amazon 'business-bestseller'; a SHRM bestseller; and has been translated into 15 languages. "101 Ways to Love Your Job" is her second book with Sourcebooks Publishing.
"Whatever You Are, Be A Good One: A Guide to Workplace Effectiveness," is her latest work (also on Amazon in Kindle and paperback).
See her website for articles, quotes, worksheets and more : Work-Stress-Solutions.Com
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Rudeness Is the Weak Person's Imitation of Strength
This particular wisdom hit me right between the eyes this morning. I am currently reflecting on all the times I was "strong" in my life, and am slowly realizing they may have all been nothing heroic in the least, but merely acts of rudeness. As I sit here typing, already needing to share this truth with my corner of the world, I am mentally going through a scrapbook of relationships and actions and decisions---that may have all been nothing more than insults.
It's nice to read an article where the author has actually mastered the skill they are sharing...but in today's post, that is not the case. I am writing this with the hope that my struggle with the fresh sting of realization (which is the force behind these words) will have the most impact for the reader.
As I struggle with this truth, rudeness is the weak person's imitation of strength, I am uncomfortable, because that spotlight of truth is surely searching for me and I must avoid it for fear of recognizing myself in these powerful words. Therefore, I could take my discomfort and push it outward. This technique is definitely one I've employed in the past (blame someone else), but I know enough these days to see that's just a stalling technique. So I could declare that I've seen no profound examples of strength, only rudeness, and blame my elders and cultural leaders.
Or I could go inward and decide that I'm a tragically weak, mean, petty person with no hope for redemption and despair for a time, wallowing in my error of faux-strength and avoid others until I'm able to "come out and play well with others."
I could also reach back and locate the strong/rude times of my actions and acts and see, instead, that I knew on some level that I wasn't being strong. And the mere ability to so easily locate those memories, is proof enough that I was rude, unkind---even mean---to people that were a part of my life story. This sting I feel is a good sting, I want to go on the record with that.
As I sit in my discomfort caused by my identification with this truism, I can already feel the rising from the ashes that a lifetime of working on the value of being kind and honest hasn't been able to accomplish. I can look back and realize I was trying to be brave and to stand up for myself, both honorable goals, and missed the mark for lack of a better understanding of myself and others pain. In one sentence: I didn't know what I didn't know.
I can also project forward, sitting here alone at my keyboard, imagining my next interactions as I exit my home and enter the rude world, and see that I will respond differently. I will have more understanding and therefore tolerance (and dare I say compassion?) to impatient customers at my local grocery store, drivers who insist on cutting in before being waved through, people I pass on the sidewalk who won't look up and meet my eyes and smile.
We are all trying to appear, and to actually be, strong. We find instead in those dark nights of the soul, that we are often weak (or perhaps fragile is a better word). The only external evidence of a bridge to this gap has been a display of rudeness in the form of insults and judgment and anger. I see now the politicians, the radio hosts, my past supervisors, and even my estranged family, former lovers, lost friends...were all about appearing strong, when we were really feeling our weakest.
Maybe my efforts at learning and teaching human kindness all these years (commonly called "people skills" or "leadership development") has allowed me to view this epiphany with something much more profound then self-disgust. I am unable to find the self-blame. But what is more important to me, is that I can't find the blame of others either. That 'sore tooth' I always ran my mental tongue over, seems to be missing this morning. One phrase, "Rudeness is the weak person's imitation of strength," has set my emotional world on its ear.
I see now that I and the other people in my life, were trying to appear strong, or at least not vulnerable to hurt. The words we used to communicate this natural survival skill were steeped in unkindness because they were meant to create a safe distance. The rudeness was and is an attempt at self-protection, self-support, a misguided show of inner resolve and strength to be our own advocates. It was meant to be a vote for ourselves.
But if your life is anything like mine (and I know only one thing after years and years of working with people in conflict---everyone's life is filled with regret and pain and self-judgment, no matter how cleverly concealed to the outside world), you now see that your show of strength did not meet your true goal. That the reason we can locate these stories and memories so quickly, is because they still hurt, still feel wrong, still cause pain. Our rudeness, our unkindness to another human being, was not in alignment with our true intention.
Our true intention is the same at our core: we want to show another that we are indeed our own advocate. We are eternally-focused on ensuring no harm be done to ourselves. The struggle with this only happens because we are also sure---in our deepest selves---that this can be done without harming another in the process.
In the end, rudeness hurts. Manners and etiquette and active listening and all the rest of human-made communication are intended to ensure that kindness wins in the end. That to be my own advocate never means that I have to undermine your own self-advocacy. A difficult task, a tough balance, an impossible feat---or so I thought----until I saw that rudeness is your cue to me that you are feeling weak.
And with that secret code now broken, I can find my own inner strength and turn the interaction to one of human understanding.
See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.
Stephanie Goddard is considered a subject matter expert in workplace communications and specializes in leadership and interpersonal skills training and work stress coaching.
Stephanie's first book '101 Ways to Have a Great Day at Work' has been an Amazon 'business-bestseller'; a SHRM bestseller; and has been translated into 15 languages. "101 Ways to Love Your Job" is her second book with Sourcebooks Publishing.
"Whatever You Are, Be A Good One: A Guide to Workplace Effectiveness," is her latest work (also on Amazon in Kindle and paperback).
See her website for articles, quotes, worksheets and more : Work-Stress-Solutions.Com
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Total Selfishness is Love
If you follow this blog regularly, you know how adamant I am about self-care and that this is never selfish....and that the only selfish person in the room is the one calling YOU selfish (test that out---it never fails to be true).
My favorite teacher (Benjamin Smythe) has a new video on anger, selfishness, boundaries and respect. He's always brutally, refreshingly, humorously on target.
Enjoy (PG-13 rating :)
See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.
My favorite teacher (Benjamin Smythe) has a new video on anger, selfishness, boundaries and respect. He's always brutally, refreshingly, humorously on target.
Enjoy (PG-13 rating :)
See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.
ben smythe,
Stephanie Goddard is considered a subject matter expert in workplace communications and specializes in leadership and interpersonal skills training and work stress coaching.
Stephanie's first book '101 Ways to Have a Great Day at Work' has been an Amazon 'business-bestseller'; a SHRM bestseller; and has been translated into 15 languages. "101 Ways to Love Your Job" is her second book with Sourcebooks Publishing.
"Whatever You Are, Be A Good One: A Guide to Workplace Effectiveness," is her latest work (also on Amazon in Kindle and paperback).
See her website for articles, quotes, worksheets and more : Work-Stress-Solutions.Com
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Emotional Stress, Trust and Key Relationships
When we say "yes" to our key relationships, or roles, in our lives we may not see just how much time and effort these agreements will take until we are well into them. Too many and we create emotional stress. Too few relationships and we have too little support during crisis.
Much of the behavioral science available today suggests strongly that 5-7 key roles is the MOST anyone can handle and still be effective. More than seven, and you start to erode trust...whether you mean to or not. This is where emotional stress starts (and ends).
Why 5-7 Relationships?
Every relationship you have will end. Yes, end. Whether through natural growth by one or the other party, moving away, retirement, accepting a new position, divorce or death...your relationships will ALL end.
So, if you have less than five, you will find yourself with too many eggs in one basket at some point in your life. Your support system is too narrow, and will crumble (at least for a time) when one of your "eggs" is removed. More than seven? You can't possibly juggle this many roles and do them all well. One or more will take a hit. The optimal number of relationships/roles to ensure low emotional stress is, therefore, five to seven.
How Do I Decide Who Stays and Who Goes?
This determination may take time. But you must make some cuts if you have more than seven key roles in your life. Here's my example of my key relationships. This may help you see where you have said "yes" to too many roles (and why you are currently stressed):
NOTE: These ARE NOT in order of importance. They are presumed to ALL be important.
-Self (which includes spiritual practice and physical maintenance as well)
-Daughter/Family of Origin
-Significant Other
-Small Business Owner
Looks like I'm finished. Notice these are roles or titles. There may be several PEOPLE attached to these roles.
Under "employee" for instance, I have:
*a boss
*a few departmental peers
*end-users (classroom participants) that receive my services
The questions to ask yourself, when determining WHO is in your key role-relationship is:
*Does my effectiveness increase when this relationship is in good shape?
*Does my effectiveness decrease when this relationship is neglected?
It does NOT matter if you LIKE this person. What matters is your effectiveness. Will your role be one of high quality, and integrity, if this relationship is in good repair? Or will it suffer if this relationship is struggling? TRUST is what you need to build here; not approval or friendship (though these are nice-to-have's and often come from ensuring trust is present).
You need people. And people need you. But TOO MANY obligations in this area is such a significant stressor, that you will HARM relationships when you take on too many. This isn't about character or getting organized. It's true for everyone. You must start saying 'no' to certain roles you play, to give the ones that matter the time and attention they need.
See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.
Much of the behavioral science available today suggests strongly that 5-7 key roles is the MOST anyone can handle and still be effective. More than seven, and you start to erode trust...whether you mean to or not. This is where emotional stress starts (and ends).
Why 5-7 Relationships?
Every relationship you have will end. Yes, end. Whether through natural growth by one or the other party, moving away, retirement, accepting a new position, divorce or death...your relationships will ALL end.
So, if you have less than five, you will find yourself with too many eggs in one basket at some point in your life. Your support system is too narrow, and will crumble (at least for a time) when one of your "eggs" is removed. More than seven? You can't possibly juggle this many roles and do them all well. One or more will take a hit. The optimal number of relationships/roles to ensure low emotional stress is, therefore, five to seven.
How Do I Decide Who Stays and Who Goes?
This determination may take time. But you must make some cuts if you have more than seven key roles in your life. Here's my example of my key relationships. This may help you see where you have said "yes" to too many roles (and why you are currently stressed):
NOTE: These ARE NOT in order of importance. They are presumed to ALL be important.
-Self (which includes spiritual practice and physical maintenance as well)
-Daughter/Family of Origin
-Significant Other
-Small Business Owner
Looks like I'm finished. Notice these are roles or titles. There may be several PEOPLE attached to these roles.
Under "employee" for instance, I have:
*a boss
*a few departmental peers
*end-users (classroom participants) that receive my services
The questions to ask yourself, when determining WHO is in your key role-relationship is:
*Does my effectiveness increase when this relationship is in good shape?
*Does my effectiveness decrease when this relationship is neglected?
It does NOT matter if you LIKE this person. What matters is your effectiveness. Will your role be one of high quality, and integrity, if this relationship is in good repair? Or will it suffer if this relationship is struggling? TRUST is what you need to build here; not approval or friendship (though these are nice-to-have's and often come from ensuring trust is present).
You need people. And people need you. But TOO MANY obligations in this area is such a significant stressor, that you will HARM relationships when you take on too many. This isn't about character or getting organized. It's true for everyone. You must start saying 'no' to certain roles you play, to give the ones that matter the time and attention they need.
See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.
work stress
Stephanie Goddard is considered a subject matter expert in workplace communications and specializes in leadership and interpersonal skills training and work stress coaching.
Stephanie's first book '101 Ways to Have a Great Day at Work' has been an Amazon 'business-bestseller'; a SHRM bestseller; and has been translated into 15 languages. "101 Ways to Love Your Job" is her second book with Sourcebooks Publishing.
"Whatever You Are, Be A Good One: A Guide to Workplace Effectiveness," is her latest work (also on Amazon in Kindle and paperback).
See her website for articles, quotes, worksheets and more : Work-Stress-Solutions.Com
Sunday, March 11, 2012
I Love You?
Recently, I was in a lunch-time yoga class that was sponsored by my employer. Many of the students were people I know in a limited way, not as friends or confidants, but just acquaintances. At the end of the class, the instructor said, "As you go about your day, say "I love you" in your mind to everyone you see."
I mentally cringed. I thought, "Well, I get that...but will they? Will they tell the coordinator of this class that the instructor is a nut?"
Yes, I see the arrogance in my thinking. And yet, did you cringe when you saw the title to this entry? I know I cringed typing it. I know I am taking a risk to even publish this article. My fear? That you will believe me to be shallow and simple instead of a subject matter expert in workplace communications.
But here you are, well into this article waiting to see what I am going to say about the phrase, that most coveted of utterances, "I love you." And what I am going to say is: I agree. You should walk around all day, every day saying "I love you" in your head.
My own journey has taken me to a practice the Hawaiians have introduced to some seekers, called Ho'Oponopono (translates to "correct errors"). It's a practice in which we intentionally reprogram our inner self-talk to one that accepts full responsibility for what we are seeing and perceiving and interpreting about anything in our awareness.
There are many techniques to "clean" or "erase" this programming---programming we all have inherited. One way, the simplest way, is to say "I love you" as often as you remember to do so (there are actually FOUR PHRASES to repeat. See the last video on this page for a song that incorporates all four.)
I have hesitated to post this. I have said to myself that people will dismiss me. But today I asked, "Why would they? And if they do, what is that about?" Well, that's more cultural programming, isn't it?
Consider the following:
*Haven't you experienced situations or been conditioned from someone at some point to NOT say mentally something like "I love you"?
*Do I mean you should say "I love you" in your mind to the homeless guy you pass on your way into work?
*Are you holding the value (programming) that "I love you" must be shared sparingly---and only when you know the sentiment will be returned?
*Are you holding this thought (programming) back for only those who DESERVE it?
If your answer to those questions is "yes" is that the programming you want to continue to reinforce? Is it working for you? Are you feeling regulary happy, content, at peace?
Or do you judge everything from the homeless guy to the gum on the sidewalk to the burned-out street lamp as "not deserving"?
Surely, nothing BAD will come of training your self-talk to say, "I love you" over and over. Try it as you fall asleep tonight. Try it when you are bored in a grocery store line. Try it when you see yourself in the mirror. If it feels wrong, then don't do it anymore. But if it feels good....why would you stop?
If you'd like to learn a little more about the practice of Ho'Oponopono, I've provided some video links:
Free video series of actual workshop (one of three)
Quick info now:
See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.
I mentally cringed. I thought, "Well, I get that...but will they? Will they tell the coordinator of this class that the instructor is a nut?"
Yes, I see the arrogance in my thinking. And yet, did you cringe when you saw the title to this entry? I know I cringed typing it. I know I am taking a risk to even publish this article. My fear? That you will believe me to be shallow and simple instead of a subject matter expert in workplace communications.
But here you are, well into this article waiting to see what I am going to say about the phrase, that most coveted of utterances, "I love you." And what I am going to say is: I agree. You should walk around all day, every day saying "I love you" in your head.
My own journey has taken me to a practice the Hawaiians have introduced to some seekers, called Ho'Oponopono (translates to "correct errors"). It's a practice in which we intentionally reprogram our inner self-talk to one that accepts full responsibility for what we are seeing and perceiving and interpreting about anything in our awareness.
There are many techniques to "clean" or "erase" this programming---programming we all have inherited. One way, the simplest way, is to say "I love you" as often as you remember to do so (there are actually FOUR PHRASES to repeat. See the last video on this page for a song that incorporates all four.)
I have hesitated to post this. I have said to myself that people will dismiss me. But today I asked, "Why would they? And if they do, what is that about?" Well, that's more cultural programming, isn't it?
Consider the following:
*Haven't you experienced situations or been conditioned from someone at some point to NOT say mentally something like "I love you"?
*Do I mean you should say "I love you" in your mind to the homeless guy you pass on your way into work?
*Are you holding the value (programming) that "I love you" must be shared sparingly---and only when you know the sentiment will be returned?
*Are you holding this thought (programming) back for only those who DESERVE it?
If your answer to those questions is "yes" is that the programming you want to continue to reinforce? Is it working for you? Are you feeling regulary happy, content, at peace?
Or do you judge everything from the homeless guy to the gum on the sidewalk to the burned-out street lamp as "not deserving"?
Surely, nothing BAD will come of training your self-talk to say, "I love you" over and over. Try it as you fall asleep tonight. Try it when you are bored in a grocery store line. Try it when you see yourself in the mirror. If it feels wrong, then don't do it anymore. But if it feels good....why would you stop?
If you'd like to learn a little more about the practice of Ho'Oponopono, I've provided some video links:
Free video series of actual workshop (one of three)
Quick info now:
See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.
Dr. Hew Len,
i love you,
Zero Limits
Stephanie Goddard is considered a subject matter expert in workplace communications and specializes in leadership and interpersonal skills training and work stress coaching.
Stephanie's first book '101 Ways to Have a Great Day at Work' has been an Amazon 'business-bestseller'; a SHRM bestseller; and has been translated into 15 languages. "101 Ways to Love Your Job" is her second book with Sourcebooks Publishing.
"Whatever You Are, Be A Good One: A Guide to Workplace Effectiveness," is her latest work (also on Amazon in Kindle and paperback).
See her website for articles, quotes, worksheets and more : Work-Stress-Solutions.Com
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Which Brain is the Right Brain?
Suggesting a book that certainly complements what we are attempting to do on this blog, on my website and in my books: to enhance the right brain functions over the left. Not sure what that means? Not sure which side you favor? Read on...
From Oprah's website:
The last few decades have belonged to a certain kind of person with a certain kind of mind—computer programmers who could crank code, lawyers who could craft contracts, MBAs who could crunch numbers. But the keys to the kingdom are changing hands. The future belongs to a very different kind of person with a very different kind of mind—creators and empathizers, pattern recognizers, and meaning makers. These people—artists, inventors, designers, storytellers, caregivers, consolers, big picture thinkers—will now reap society’s richest rewards and share its greatest joys.
This book describes a seismic—though as yet undetected—shift now under way in much of the advanced world. We are moving from an economy and a society built on the logical, linear, computerlike capabilities of the Information Age to an economy and a society built on the inventive, empathic, big-picture capabilities of what’s rising in its place, the Conceptual Age. A Whole New Mind is for anyone who wants to survive and thrive in this emerging world—people uneasy in their careers or dissatisfied with their lives, entrepreneurs and business leaders eager to stay ahead of the next wave, parents who want to equip their children for the future, and the legions of emotionally astute and creatively adroit people whose distinctive abilities the Information Age has often overlooked and undervalued.
In this book, you will learn the six essential aptitudes—what I call “the six senses”—on which professional success and personal satisfaction increasingly will depend. Design. Story. Symphony. Empathy. Play. Meaning. These are fundamentally human abilities that everyone can master—and helping you do that is my goal.
Read more on Oprah's site.
Free PDF for Business People.
Two questions from the PDF:
-How innate are the six abilities Pink discusses (Design, Story, Symphony, Empathy, Play and Meaning)? Which of them is your strongest? Weakest? Which is most
important for your current job?
-What role do play and humor have in your workplace? Could play or humor improve your service to clients? Do you agree with Pink that a sense of humor can make someone a better manager? Why or why not?
Pink's Website
See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.
From Oprah's website:
The last few decades have belonged to a certain kind of person with a certain kind of mind—computer programmers who could crank code, lawyers who could craft contracts, MBAs who could crunch numbers. But the keys to the kingdom are changing hands. The future belongs to a very different kind of person with a very different kind of mind—creators and empathizers, pattern recognizers, and meaning makers. These people—artists, inventors, designers, storytellers, caregivers, consolers, big picture thinkers—will now reap society’s richest rewards and share its greatest joys.
This book describes a seismic—though as yet undetected—shift now under way in much of the advanced world. We are moving from an economy and a society built on the logical, linear, computerlike capabilities of the Information Age to an economy and a society built on the inventive, empathic, big-picture capabilities of what’s rising in its place, the Conceptual Age. A Whole New Mind is for anyone who wants to survive and thrive in this emerging world—people uneasy in their careers or dissatisfied with their lives, entrepreneurs and business leaders eager to stay ahead of the next wave, parents who want to equip their children for the future, and the legions of emotionally astute and creatively adroit people whose distinctive abilities the Information Age has often overlooked and undervalued.
In this book, you will learn the six essential aptitudes—what I call “the six senses”—on which professional success and personal satisfaction increasingly will depend. Design. Story. Symphony. Empathy. Play. Meaning. These are fundamentally human abilities that everyone can master—and helping you do that is my goal.
Read more on Oprah's site.
Free PDF for Business People.
Two questions from the PDF:
-How innate are the six abilities Pink discusses (Design, Story, Symphony, Empathy, Play and Meaning)? Which of them is your strongest? Weakest? Which is most
important for your current job?
-What role do play and humor have in your workplace? Could play or humor improve your service to clients? Do you agree with Pink that a sense of humor can make someone a better manager? Why or why not?
Pink's Website
See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.
Stephanie Goddard is considered a subject matter expert in workplace communications and specializes in leadership and interpersonal skills training and work stress coaching.
Stephanie's first book '101 Ways to Have a Great Day at Work' has been an Amazon 'business-bestseller'; a SHRM bestseller; and has been translated into 15 languages. "101 Ways to Love Your Job" is her second book with Sourcebooks Publishing.
"Whatever You Are, Be A Good One: A Guide to Workplace Effectiveness," is her latest work (also on Amazon in Kindle and paperback).
See her website for articles, quotes, worksheets and more : Work-Stress-Solutions.Com
Thursday, February 23, 2012
No New Ways to Love Your Job
This blog is nothing more than my personal notes on how I get through a workday with grace and peace. Sometimes I write, other times I post a video that spoke to me; or refer you to yet another website or blog for an article or process. There is nothing new to share in the world. What is true has been said by many others before me. There are only a lot of different ways to say the same thing.
My world view is that if I have something pressing to say, there is someone out there who needs to hear it. That's why I find myself at the keyboard right this minute.
The poster below summarizes my current inner work much better than I can. Perhaps it is your current inner work as well? Projection, mirroring, shadow that. Those ugly little triggers and hot buttons that really are at the heart of struggle and suffering and self-rejection. Maybe we could call them "pain points." That says it more accurately, if you ask me.
So this poster is my prescription for erasing my pain points:
Some suggestions for furthering this inner work: The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz.
See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.
My world view is that if I have something pressing to say, there is someone out there who needs to hear it. That's why I find myself at the keyboard right this minute.
The poster below summarizes my current inner work much better than I can. Perhaps it is your current inner work as well? Projection, mirroring, shadow that. Those ugly little triggers and hot buttons that really are at the heart of struggle and suffering and self-rejection. Maybe we could call them "pain points." That says it more accurately, if you ask me.
So this poster is my prescription for erasing my pain points:
Some suggestions for furthering this inner work: The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz.
See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.
don miguel ruiz,
shadow work,
the four agreements
Stephanie Goddard is considered a subject matter expert in workplace communications and specializes in leadership and interpersonal skills training and work stress coaching.
Stephanie's first book '101 Ways to Have a Great Day at Work' has been an Amazon 'business-bestseller'; a SHRM bestseller; and has been translated into 15 languages. "101 Ways to Love Your Job" is her second book with Sourcebooks Publishing.
"Whatever You Are, Be A Good One: A Guide to Workplace Effectiveness," is her latest work (also on Amazon in Kindle and paperback).
See her website for articles, quotes, worksheets and more : Work-Stress-Solutions.Com
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Suffering Isn't Failure
Do you know Benjamin Smythe? He's simply videos. And they are amazing. If you resonate, you may also enjoy his active Facebook page.
See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.
See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.
benjamin smythe,
Stephanie Goddard is considered a subject matter expert in workplace communications and specializes in leadership and interpersonal skills training and work stress coaching.
Stephanie's first book '101 Ways to Have a Great Day at Work' has been an Amazon 'business-bestseller'; a SHRM bestseller; and has been translated into 15 languages. "101 Ways to Love Your Job" is her second book with Sourcebooks Publishing.
"Whatever You Are, Be A Good One: A Guide to Workplace Effectiveness," is her latest work (also on Amazon in Kindle and paperback).
See her website for articles, quotes, worksheets and more : Work-Stress-Solutions.Com
Monday, January 23, 2012
I Just Know I'm Meant to Be More Than THIS!
"I don't know what I want to do as a career, I just know I'm meant to be more than this!"
I hear this often when I counsel people around career choice. In fact, I am hard-pressed to think of more than five examples, both personally and professionally, where someone has declared that they have truly found their life work. And when asked HOW someone determines what they are to do with this burning desire---to contribute to the larger good---my answer is always the same:
You are doing it. Right here and right now.
This is, of course, a very disappointing answer. The need to find our life work is a common subject in magazines, blogs, TV talk shows and countless books ("What Color is My Parachute?" anyone?). This striving and checking and seeking and consulting----always with the same question in mind, "Is THIS it?" is really the only problem from where I'm sitting.
Do you find yourself wondering the following on a regular basis?:
-What can I do to make the world a better place?
-How can I share what I have learned in my life with others as a job?
-How can I find a job where I like everyone I work with and everything I am asked to do?
-What if I retire and realize I never really found my calling?
These questions stem from the wrong source, in my opinion. The very asking of these questions is the problem. We seem to be saying, "I want to give my best to a position...but with THESE people??? Doing THIS???" It's like we asked for our highest calling to be answered, and when we were given the circumstances to achieve it, we said, "But this isn't good enough for ME."
I am in the right job, I am following my passion, I am paid for my 'bliss', and here's what I know to be true based on my own career and after coaching hundreds of clients:
-You make the world a better place, by becoming a compassionate and kind resource in every interaction, or as often as you can, no matter who is in front of you.
-You share what you've learned in life by living it, by being an example, not by conducting a seminar or giving people unsolicited advice.
-You will never, ever find a job where you like everyone or everything you do. This holds true for everything...not just work!
-Your only calling is to leave someone better off than you found them. To use them as both your own mirror (when they rub you the wrong way); and to lead by example no matter who is watching.
You are in the right job. No mistakes. No wrong choices. There is no 'better things to come'. You are where you are supposed to be, because that's where you are. Your life work is to make life easier for others. Your life work is to do your own inner-work, to be as clear and receptive to others as humanly possible, and bring THAT into every interaction (whether you are on the clock or not). Your life work is getting up after reading this article, and walking over to the next cube, and saying something that will make that person's burden lighter.
Right now. Stop reading. Start walking over to that cube. Get to work.
See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.
career choice,
career path,
Stephanie Goddard is considered a subject matter expert in workplace communications and specializes in leadership and interpersonal skills training and work stress coaching.
Stephanie's first book '101 Ways to Have a Great Day at Work' has been an Amazon 'business-bestseller'; a SHRM bestseller; and has been translated into 15 languages. "101 Ways to Love Your Job" is her second book with Sourcebooks Publishing.
"Whatever You Are, Be A Good One: A Guide to Workplace Effectiveness," is her latest work (also on Amazon in Kindle and paperback).
See her website for articles, quotes, worksheets and more : Work-Stress-Solutions.Com
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
The Dynamic Duo: Anger and Stress
Anger is perhaps the one and only reason you are reading this blog, seeking answers to your work stress. Anger is so damaging and so hard to contain that when it occurs it can feel like an entity or a current from out of nowhere. After it subsides, we often are left scratching our heads asking ourselves, "What was THAT about?"
Well, to begin to answer the question of "What was THAT?" I have done years of work on my own anger. I come from a long line of angry people. And it scared me to be raised in that environment, but that didn't keep me from displaying anger as an adult. In fact, I could really see the USE of anger sometimes. I mean, you WILL get some attention in a customer service situation, correct?
But in time, it became too damaging to my own self-image and my relationships in general. I could no longer reconcile my anger and my values. After years of research and training---in reality crafting an entire career in pursuit of the answer to, "How can I control my anger?"---I have found my answer (and share it in the hope that it will be your answer too).
This answer may or may not work for you. But if you give this answer a chance, I believe you will find what I have found:
It really isn't YOU that is angry.
The biggest problem with anger is the self-judgment and judgment from others after an explosion of anger takes place. We judge ourselves in hopes that this will keep it from happening again. And I say "It" quite intentionally.
Anger can feel like something bigger and stronger than us. It feels out of our control. It comes in no matter what types of resolutions and commitments to change we have made, and does what it has always done, much to our dismay.
So what do we do?
The Pain Body
Eckhart Tolle, author of "A New Earth" doesn't so much speak of anger when he describes something he calls "The Pain Body." Eckhart's work describes an accumulation of pain and hurt and negative emotion---accumulated over many years but never consciously integrated into our bodies---that eventually starts to feel (and act) like an independent entity out of your control.
The Pain Body is usually in play when a repeated reaction to people and problems is well-out of proportion to the situation. It seems to literally take over your mind and body making you say and do things that you know you will regret, but you just can't seem to help yourself. Tolle states that when this dissociative anger is seen through the perception of "It's my pain body" that it starts to dissolve on its own. Anger still happens, but it happens less and less, until ultimately you are responding in the present and no longer reacting to old scripts and patterns.
So what are the details of the Pain Body, and what exactly do we do to stop it? I could continue here with my own interpretation, but the source of this discovery is much better at it than I am. Eckhart and Oprah discuss the pain body in the webcast of his book "The New Earth" in Chapter Five/Webcast Five. I find selecting the closed caption to be very helpful to follow the conversation, by the way. Here is the link:
Watch PAIN BODY Discussion.
If you don't have the time for this webcast, there is a very short video (6:22), that also does the job nicely (Eckhart's voice is the narrator):
Ultimately, you will start to put your conscious attention on the Pain Body---not "your" anger, but this pained entity---and it will happen less and less (not right away, but soon enough after your conscious attention is placed there repeatedly). Hey, if this sounds silly or too far-out, fine. But at least try it. If it doesn't work, you are only right back where you started from: angry.
See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.
Well, to begin to answer the question of "What was THAT?" I have done years of work on my own anger. I come from a long line of angry people. And it scared me to be raised in that environment, but that didn't keep me from displaying anger as an adult. In fact, I could really see the USE of anger sometimes. I mean, you WILL get some attention in a customer service situation, correct?
But in time, it became too damaging to my own self-image and my relationships in general. I could no longer reconcile my anger and my values. After years of research and training---in reality crafting an entire career in pursuit of the answer to, "How can I control my anger?"---I have found my answer (and share it in the hope that it will be your answer too).
This answer may or may not work for you. But if you give this answer a chance, I believe you will find what I have found:
It really isn't YOU that is angry.
The biggest problem with anger is the self-judgment and judgment from others after an explosion of anger takes place. We judge ourselves in hopes that this will keep it from happening again. And I say "It" quite intentionally.
Anger can feel like something bigger and stronger than us. It feels out of our control. It comes in no matter what types of resolutions and commitments to change we have made, and does what it has always done, much to our dismay.
So what do we do?
The Pain Body
Eckhart Tolle, author of "A New Earth" doesn't so much speak of anger when he describes something he calls "The Pain Body." Eckhart's work describes an accumulation of pain and hurt and negative emotion---accumulated over many years but never consciously integrated into our bodies---that eventually starts to feel (and act) like an independent entity out of your control.
The Pain Body is usually in play when a repeated reaction to people and problems is well-out of proportion to the situation. It seems to literally take over your mind and body making you say and do things that you know you will regret, but you just can't seem to help yourself. Tolle states that when this dissociative anger is seen through the perception of "It's my pain body" that it starts to dissolve on its own. Anger still happens, but it happens less and less, until ultimately you are responding in the present and no longer reacting to old scripts and patterns.
So what are the details of the Pain Body, and what exactly do we do to stop it? I could continue here with my own interpretation, but the source of this discovery is much better at it than I am. Eckhart and Oprah discuss the pain body in the webcast of his book "The New Earth" in Chapter Five/Webcast Five. I find selecting the closed caption to be very helpful to follow the conversation, by the way. Here is the link:
Watch PAIN BODY Discussion.
If you don't have the time for this webcast, there is a very short video (6:22), that also does the job nicely (Eckhart's voice is the narrator):
Ultimately, you will start to put your conscious attention on the Pain Body---not "your" anger, but this pained entity---and it will happen less and less (not right away, but soon enough after your conscious attention is placed there repeatedly). Hey, if this sounds silly or too far-out, fine. But at least try it. If it doesn't work, you are only right back where you started from: angry.
See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.
eckhart tolle,
new earth,
work stress
Stephanie Goddard is considered a subject matter expert in workplace communications and specializes in leadership and interpersonal skills training and work stress coaching.
Stephanie's first book '101 Ways to Have a Great Day at Work' has been an Amazon 'business-bestseller'; a SHRM bestseller; and has been translated into 15 languages. "101 Ways to Love Your Job" is her second book with Sourcebooks Publishing.
"Whatever You Are, Be A Good One: A Guide to Workplace Effectiveness," is her latest work (also on Amazon in Kindle and paperback).
See her website for articles, quotes, worksheets and more : Work-Stress-Solutions.Com
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