Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Laughter: Work Stress Will Melt Away

"My only commandment is laughter!.... And everything else will follow. If you can love and if you can laugh, totally, wholeheartedly, your life will become such a bliss and a benediction, not only to yourself but to everyone else."<br>

I remember distinctly at about age 16, I decided: I'm going to be funny. I liked it when people made me laugh, and I wanted to make others laugh. And dammit---I did it. I've heard that "funny" is like having a musical ear, you either have it or you don't. And maybe that's true. I've definitely met people who wanted to be funny or tried to be funny and it was a really painful thing to watch.

I am really glad that I can make people laugh. I think there is something magical in laughter. There are programs out there like "FISH!" that play on this concept in the workplace. And having a funny quote or picture in the office definitely puts things in perspective. I recommend that you try to cultivate this quality, however. See if you can start to play with your wit and have a little more fun (and laughter) at work.

See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Don't Make Me Your Distraction of Choice

Some of my best moments have been in front of a screen. Whether that's a TV or a movie or a computer doesn't matter. And to properly level this premise: some of the worst times I have had in my life were face to face.

This post is calling out those people who proclaim that watching TV or typing on Facebook or texting your mother is inferior to "the real thing." Because that can't be quantified. And it's an argument that feels like bullying. Introverts prefer a little space, a little distance; while all the extroverts I know report that the last thing they want is for their thoughts and feelings well-up and meet them. They'd do anything to avoid that.

So, I'm on a campaign to stop this harassment. Because that's what it is: a call to make people interact with you now and here and often or else be shamed because you don't want to hear your own thoughts and insist that I be your chosen "screen" of distraction.

Well, I am not your distraction-du'jour. If you can't sit with yourself for ten minutes and see the mess that you are and answer that call, I can't help you. You are CHEATING. And you should work at sitting in your swirly-world of unrest until it settles. Because that's just sane.

See Stephanie's site Work Stress Solutions for more information like this.